むじかほ新館。 ~音楽彼是雑記~


[Q&A]Melted Bodies

Melted Bodiesのキーボード/プログラミング担当のBenに簡易的なQ&Aに答えて頂きました。

Who in the band is answering?


This is Ben - Synths and Programming in the band

Q. バンド結成の経緯について。
Background of forming a band

そうだね、Melted BodiesはAndy(リードシンガー、作詞、ギター)のプロジェクトとしてスタートしたんだ。
僕は実際にMelted Bodiesの最初のショウをブッキングして、それから僕らはとても良い友人だったし、僕も一部に加わったんだ。

Well, Melted Bodies started as Andy’s project - the lead singer, lyricist, and guitarist.
Originally, he was just writing some songs on his own, then invited Scott to play drums and try to see how the songs started to feel live.
Shortly after, Houda joined to play bass, and then I was the last member to join.
I actually had booked Melted Bodies to play the first ever show, and then because we were all such good friends, I was invited to be a part of it too. 

Q. バンドの音楽的なルーツや試みていることについて。
The band's musical roots and attempts

そして、AndyはLocal Nativesっていうとても有名なインディーバンドの創設メンバーでベーシストだった。


Well, we’ve all been in many music projects throughout our lives, even as adults.
Scott and Houda were both in fairly serious punk bands growing up.
I release records under the name Diamondstein, which is where I started really falling in love with synths and more experimental electronic music.
And Andy was the founding bassist of a pretty popular indie band called Local Natives.
So, we all have just been playing in bands since we were younger, so when we all started playing together, I think it felt natural. 

In terms of our influence, I think we are a little all over the place!
We all love hard and heavy energetic music.
Houda is more into old punk music, while myself and Andy are definitely more metal-heads.
Scott has a very eclectic taste in music, though I think we all have a pretty serious range of styles and artists that we love now, which is I think why our music sounds the way it does not. Lots of styles that come together in an interesting way! 


Diamondstein - Someday You'll Have This Too - Official Video - Doom Trip Records 2019

Q. アルバムの出来には満足してる?
Are you satisfied with the result of the album?

僕らはJohn Spiker(Tenacious D、John Carpenter)という男と協力してミックスとマスタリングをして、彼はとても素晴らしい仕事振りだった。

Yes definitely! We recorded the whole album on our own, so we’ve been really happy to see that not only are people listening to the album and loving it, but I think people also respect the production and the sounds on the album, which was definitely the hardest part.
We worked closely with a guy named John Spiker (Tenacious D, John Carpenter) to mix and master the record, and he just did an amazing job. I think John really knew what we were going for, so he really managed to make it the kind of sound I think we needed in this debut album. 

Q. アルバムを作るにあたって心がけたこと
What you kept in mind when making the album


Well, I think for this one, we really just wanted to give a sense of our range as a band.
We know that we aren’t a typical metal band, so I think it was important that we showed that for every moment that was “catchy” there was going to be an equally as brutal part to offset it.
I think that’s what makes our band fun, and why the album has resonated with people.
It seems that people mostly get that we are a serious band, but we don’t take ourselves seriously.
We want it to be in your face in every way we can.

Q. このアルバムであなたのお気に入りの曲は?
What is your favorite song in this album? 

正直なところ、僕はメタルヘッズだから、“99 Scents”かな。

99 Scents

Hmmm. Honestly, because I’m a metal head, I think it’s 99 Scents. That song just rips every time I hear it, and it just feels the most chaotic to me, which is what I love most.
Though, I certainly love every song for a different reason.
Because we’ve been around for a while, and have been playing these songs for so long, I feel like each song has a some built-in meaning to us as a band that reminds us of shows we’ve played, or when we wrote it, which I love. 

Q. アルバム制作中にエキサイトしたこと
What was exciting during the album production 


I think it was mostly just finally getting the songs that we’ve been playing and practicing for so long, recorded.
Even though this is our first album, we’ve actually been a band for probably 4-5 years now, and have played these songs so many times.
Now that we’ve finally gotten them out as a record, we are all super excited to start writing new music, and thinking of new ideas that take what we’ve done and push it a little bit further. 

Q. あなたに影響を与えた5枚のアルバムは?
What are the five albums that have influenced you? 


最初はそうだな、Refusedの“The Shape of Punk to Come”を言わなくちゃいけない。

次に、僕はシンセサイザーで、エレクトロミュージックに夢中だったからSimian Mobile Discoの“Attack Decay Sustain Release”を言わないと。

僕に奇妙な影響を与えたもう一つは、Zombiの“Escape Velocity”だね。
Zombiのレコードならどれも選べるんだけど、一番聴いたのは“Escape Velocity”だな。
Steve Mooreは本当に天才で、インスピレーションを感じる必要がある時は立ち戻って古いZombiをたくさん聴いているんだ。

また伝統的なハードミュージックに戻ると、The Chariotの“Everything Is Alive, Everything Is Breathing, Nothing Is Dead, And Nothing Is Bleeding”を挙げるかな。
Josh Scoginのスクリームは、それがどんなに痛々しいほど残忍に聴こえるのか、他に類を見ないんだ。
近いのはConvergeのJacob Bannonくらいかな。


WOW! That’s a huge question! 

Well first, I’d have to say Refused - The Shape of Punk to Come.
For me, this just came at a perfect time in my life, when I was just starting to really move into harder, more intense, more complicated music.
For me, hearing this album, some of the weird moments throughout the record, and then knowing the title literally was suggesting the world that we’ve seen punk become, just blew my mind. 

Secondly, because I’m the synth guy in the band and am so into electronic music in general, I’d have to say Simian Mobile Disco - Attack Decay Sustain Release.
I was in college when this album came out and I feel like it was the first time I’d really truly heard analog synthesizers and what they were capable of.
I’ve seen SMD so many times too, and they are still my all-time favorite act to see.
It’s like seeing scientists come up with inventions on the fly, which is just so incredible to me. I can’t wait to see them again. 

Another one that’s been oddly influential to me is probably Zombi - Escape Velocity.
I think I could probably pick any Zombi record, but I think Escape Velocity is the one I probably listened to the most. This one is one of those albums that I’m not entirely sure how I found, but it became an absolute mainstay in my life, again also around the usage of synthesizers in music. Steve Moore is an absolute genius, so I still go back and listen to a lot of older Zombi when I need to feel inspired. 

Back into more traditional hard music again, I’d say The Chariot - Everything Is Alive, Everything Is Breathing, Nothing Is Dead, And Nothing Is Bleeding.
This is easily the most intense band I’ve ever seen live.
They were a Christian band strangely enough, and when you would see them live, they would straight up say that the point of their shows was a celebration, but their interpretation of that was absolute and utter chaos from beginning to end.
It was absolutely insane, and this album is just so intense.
Josh Scogin’s scream is absolutely unparalleled to me for how absolutely painfully brutal it sounds.
The only thing that comes close is maybe Jacob Bannon from Converge. 

Lastly, I guess I’ll just go with an album I constantly listen to, Meshuggah - Obzen.
I find listening to Meshuggah extremely meditative and almost religious because of all the complicated rhythms etc.
It really just helps me concentrate when I listen to music that is this organized but complicated, and because it’s so intense, I just find it really stimulating mentally. Some people hate on Djent, but Meshuggah is just a whole different world to me. 

Q. あなたたちの衝動はどこから来ると感じてますか?
Where do you feel your impulses come from?


Curiosity and mental stimulation!
I could live on mental stimulation alone, and nothing feels better than satisfying an odd curiosity. 

Q. 日本に来たことはある?
Have you ever been to Japan?


Yes! I absolutely love Japan. Scott and I both dream of playing some shows in Japan.
I’m sure the rest of the band would love to as well of course, but Scott and I have both spent a bit of time there, and I know really miss it, so I can’t wait to go back and spend some more time in the places where I didn’t get the chance to go last time I was there. Book us! 

Free message


We absolutely love having conversations with you, and appreciate you sharing our music with the Japanese audience!
It really means a lot to us knowing that people across the world find what we’re making valuable, and we want to share more of it with you. 

Melted Bodiesのデビューアルバム“Enjoy Yourseld”のレビューも書いています。
